Benefits of government schemes should reach the poorest of the poor


Benefits of government schemes should reach the poorest of the poor

NEW DELHI: The Vice President of India, M. Venkaiah Naidu has asked the young officers to take the benefits of government schemes to the poorest of the poor in the society. He was addressing the gathering at Guru Puja, Samkalp, a Project by Jan Kalyan Shiksha Samiti, here today.nnThe former Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Jagmohan and other dignitaries were present on the occasion.nnThe Vice President said that the importance of Guru in our system cannot be over-emphasized. He further said that we all know Lord Krishna himself is the Guru of all living entities. Yet, in order to teach us the importance of Guru and how to serve the Guru, Lord Krishna accepted Sandipani Muni as his spiritual master. Such is the exalted position of Guru in our tradition, he added.nnThe Vice President said that the Teachers at Samkalp precisely helped aspirants of Civil Service Examination, especially those, who come from a poor background and guided them to pursue their goals with grit and determination and they deserve our admiration.nnThe Vice President said that the challenge is to touch every section of the society and make them part of developmental process. He further said that India faces any challenges in the fields of illiteracy, ill health, poor quality of education, lack of clean drinking water and other social evils. An effective implementation of government schemes at grass root level will bring in change, he added.nnThe Vice President said that it is true that government has stared several programmes to address these challenges, but often we falter at the implementation level. We have to fast track the process so that intended benefits reach the people on time, he added.nnThe Vice President said that ever since the Independence, India has made several strides and brought in reforms to make peoples lives well, yet the country has miles to go to translate the nation for Swarajya to Surajya.nnStressing on the role of officers in the governance, the Vice President asked the young officers to make public governance systems more people-centric. Inclusive development should be a sacred goal, he added.nnThe Vice President honoured Baba Yogendra, Founder of Sanskar Bharti with Rushi Samman and Vinay Shankar, former IAS, Bhushan Lal Vohra, former IPS and Gajanan Wakankar, former IFS with Guru Samman, for their excellent service.

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