Fiscal Needs of each state will be individually assessed keeping in view their special characteristics: N K Singh


Fiscal Needs of each state will be individually assessed keeping in view their special characteristics: N K Singh

NEW DELHI: A delegation led by Dy. Chief Minister and Finance Minister of Tamil Nadu  O. Pannerselvam met the 15th Finance Commission today.nnThe delegation submitted a memorandum to the Commission and put forward their view points regarding the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the Commission.nn”Balance the need for fiscal transfers to less developed states with the growing aspirations of better performing states,” said Pannerselvam at meeting.nnOver 40 members delegation of Members of Parliament from AIADMK including  M. Thambi Durai, Dy. Speaker of the Lok Sabha put forward the efforts made and resources mobilized by Tamil Nadu towards the upliftment of the people in the state, in a meeting which went around 35 minutes. They urged the Commission to balance the need for fiscal transfers to less developed states while simultaneously meeting the growing aspirations and expectations of the people of the better performing states.nnFifteenth Finance Commission of India Chairman  N. K. Singh welcomed the delegation and appreciated them. He assured them that the fiscal needs of each state will be individually assessed and their special characteristics will be kept in view. A progressive state like Tamil Nadu which has contributed greatly to India?s prosperity would certainly receive the Commission?s careful consideration. Commission?s visit for the state of Tamil Nadu was finalized for end of September.

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